Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ancient Civilization

A civilization is a group of people living together in an advanced way. The people have a written language. They produce food. They have a system of government. They have different jobs. And their artist and craftsmen create art of different kinds.
Ancient civilizations began when people settled in one area to live. Earlier, tribes of people moved from place to place. They looked for food and for animals to hunt. Around 9000 B.C. they learned how to farm. They settled near rivers and grew grains such as wheat, barley, and millet. They learned how to raise goats, pigs, sheep, and cattle. They built houses and lived in villages.

Around 3000 B.C. man learned how to make tools and weapons out of metals. This provided many jobs. Farmers began to grow more food for these workers. Men began to exchange the objects the made for food and trade began.
During this time the wheel was invented. With the wheel, man figured out how to make a cart. He could now move heavy objects. He invented the plow. Finally, writing developed.

The ancient civilizations were cities that grew up around the Mediterranean Sea between 3000 B.C. and A.D. 476. During this time ancient man invented many tools and developed many ideas that we still use today.
Here are some of the ancient civilizations and what we got from them:
Egypt had a system of writing and a calendar. Egyptian doctors learned to set broken bones with splints and casts.

The Sumerians lived near the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. They invented bricks. The Babylonians also lived in this area. They invented the first clocks.
The Greeks and Romans produced great literature. They produced great sculpture and architecture. They made advances in science. Students today study the writings of ancient Greek and Roman dramatists, scientists, and philosophers.

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