Saturday, February 14, 2009


The abalone is a shellfish. This means that it has a soft body and a hard shell. Most of the soft body stays inside the shell. The part of the body outside the shell is called the foot. This large foot has muscles. The abalone is able to hold onto rocks with these muscles. The abalone’s shell has holes near the top through which water can pass.
Abalones live in the ocean. There are about 100 different kinds of abalones in the world. Fishermen have taken abalones from the sea since ancient times. The inside of an abalone shell is a shiny material called ”mother-of-pearl.” This is used to make jewelry and buttons. The soft part of the abalone, the body, is used for food.
The flesh of the abalone is tough. To soften its meat, cooks pound abalone with a wooden mallet.
The abalone shell is sometimes called the earshell or sea ear. It can be seven inches(18cm) long.

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